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Published: August 30 2012, 9:02:00 AMUpdated: September 02 2022, 2:03:30 AM
What kind of dispute is created when a buyer choose the third option "I want to return an item and get a refund." (Easy Returns) in the resolution center ( or
RETURN case type is created for the Easy Returns case opened in the UK or DE resolution center ( or This case type can be retrieved in ResolutionCaseManagementService as below:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <getUserCasesResponse xmlns=""> <ack>Success</ack> <version>1.3.0</version> <timestamp>2012-08-21T17:16:17.719Z</timestamp> <cases> <caseSummary> <caseId> <id>414235968</id> <type>RETURN</type> </caseId> <user> <userId>xxxxx</userId> <role>SELLER</role> </user> <otherParty> <userId>xxxxx</userId> <role>BUYER</role> </otherParty> <status> <returnStatus>OTHER</returnStatus> </status> <item> <itemId>xxxx</itemId> <itemTitle>TEST TEST TEST TEST</itemTitle> <transactionId>944934651011</transactionId> </item> <caseQuantity>1</caseQuantity> <caseAmount currencyId="EUR">1.0</caseAmount> <respondByDate>2012-08-21T02:10:24.000Z</respondByDate> <creationDate>2012-08-21T04:15:18.000Z</creationDate> <lastModifiedDate>2012-08-21T05:42:33.000Z</lastModifiedDate> </caseSummary> </cases> <paginationOutput> <pageNumber>1</pageNumber> <entriesPerPage>25</entriesPerPage> <totalPages>1</totalPages> <totalEntries>1</totalEntries> </paginationOutput> </getUserCasesResponse> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> |
Keep in mind that RETURN type is applicable for UK and DE only (It is not applicable for US)